Scientific Calculator User Guide.

The candidate is allowed to use the calculator at any time during the exam.

The Basic calculator performs fundamental calculations:

MC: Memory Clear, clears calculator memory, clears all, and starts a new operation.

MR: Memory Recall, displays the memory value.

M+: Memory Plus, add displayed value to memory.

M-: Memory Minus, subtract displayed value from memory. Note: On a scientific calculator a value is stored as a positive number into a negative number, usually marked (-) or NEG (negation).

MS: Memory Store, stores a value to memory.

( ): Parentheses, denote the order of operations.

Numeric from 0 to 9.

÷: Divided by, over, division by.

DEL: Removes a single character or digit from the current input.

X: Times, or multiply by.

C: Clear, clears the current display value. 

-: Minus or subtraction.

√: Square root, Calculates the square root of the value.

+: Plus or addition.

=: Equal to, finds the result of an operation.

.: Decimal, enters a decimal point.

In addition to the basic calculator function, the Scientific calculator is of two types, Type1 and Type2.

Type1 of the Scientific calculator:

%: Percent, calculates the percentage of a value.

x²: Squares the value, square the displayed value and displays it.

x3: Cubes the value.

xy: x raised to the power y, calculates exponential values.

ex: Exponent, raise e to the power x. Calculates powers based on the constant e (2.718281828).

2x: Base 2 exponential value. 

1/x: Multiplicative inverse or reciprocal for a number x.

2√x: Square root, calculates the square root of the value.

3√x: Cube root (of) x, calculates the cube root of the value.

ypx: yth root (of) x.

ln: Log to the base of e, the natural logarithm of a value or expression. Computes the value of the natural logarithm, the exponent of the power to which e must be raised to equal the given value.

lg: Inverse function of exponential function for a positive real value.

x!: The product of a given positive integer x multiplied by all the lesser positive integers from 1 to x-1 is indicated by x! and called the factorial of x.

sin: Sine of a value or expression.

cos: Cosine of a value or expression.

tan: Tangent of a value or expression.

e: Base for the natural logarithm.

EE: Enter Exponent, enter the numbers with exponents of 10.

Rad: Convert degrees to radians, Radian is default.

sinh: Hyperbolic inverse sine (arcsine) of a value or expression.

cosh: Hyperbolic inverse cosine (arccos) of a value or expression.

tanh: Hyperbolic inverse tangent (arctangent) of a value or expression.

tan-1: Inverse tangent function.

π: Pi, display the value of π as 3.141592654 to use in a calculation.

Rnd: Round to the nearest integer.

Type2 of the Scientific calculator:

yx: y raised to the power x.

logy: Log to the base y.

log2: Binary logarithm.

sin-1: Inverse sine function, arcsine.

cos-1: Inverse cosine function, arccosine.

tan-1: Inverse tangent function or arctangent.

sinh-1: Hyperbolic inverse sine (arcsine) of a value or expression.

cosh-1: Hyperbolic inverse cosine (arccos) of a value or expression.

tanh-1: Hyperbolic inverse tangent (arctangent) of a value or expression.